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Showing posts from July, 2023

The Manhattan project, Soviet espionage, and an equation for outcome & choices

The date is 06th August, 1945. The entire United States glistened with the lights of victory! Almost everyone on the streets was a little bit inebriated. In the midst of all that, one man, clad in a grey suit, with a cigarette between lips and a hat lowered slightly to cover his face, walked steadily towards the southern end of the Castillo Bridge station in Santa Fe.  He stopped at the end of the station area, lit up a matchstick and ignited the cigarette. As soon as his face lit up in the light of the matchstick, another man emerged from the darkness, and walked towards him. The stranger asked the man how to get a train to go to the east side, the man replied “I don’t know. Where are you coming from?” while carefully noting the dress of the stranger. The reply came in a measured tone, “I am coming from Julius” and the man with the cigarette extended his hand.  “My name is Dexter. You?” “Charles Raymond. How do you do?” “Can we sit somewhere?” “Come, I know a place just next to the st

About Me

A writer for the odd hours. Introverted. Anti-social.